Thursday, November 26, 2020

Turkey with sides of humility, regret, and hope

 Thanksgiving Day has always been anticipated as a day to enjoy turkey and other great food and always with someone(s) I love.  This year the truth underlying that casual assumption has been laid bare.  The assumption is not casual at all.  For some there will not be any turkey or great food for there will be no food at all.  For some, they will not be able to be with a loved one in person or not at all.  The pandemic has wrecked havoc on a cherished belief.  However, I am very grateful that many of us will be able to reach out and see family and friends thru Zoom and other video means.  That's the turkey, the meat of the meal and day.

The side of humility concerns the humbleness I feel and have felt since April for all those people doing their jobs - the medical workers, the janitors, the truck drivers, the researchers, the shelf stockers, the bus drivers, the teachers, and way more.   I am in awe to your dedication and perseverance.  Thank you is all I can offer in return but it is deeply heartfelt.

The side of regret concerns all the little actions and words I said that made someone feel less than.  When I was younger, regret was all about the big actions or decisions that had major consequences for myself or someone else.  I have beat myself up enough and can't atone for them anyway.  So, my priorities have shifted to just trying to be a nicer, more polite person each day. Success is seeing a smile on someone's face (eyes now) each day.

The side of hope concerns the prospect of one or more vaccines arriving soon.  It appears all that dedication by scientists have paid off.  Now it's up to governments and community health services to deliver it across the globe effectively.  Before the election I had faith the vaccines would be created but little hope they would be distributed without a big mess.  It will still be difficult and complicated but I believe that from the top down fair and effective distribution will be a priority task.  Making the world safe from COVID19 will be the goal not cash in someone's pocket.

Happy Thanksgiving One and All in this strange and terrifying year. 


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